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HRMS - ITIS Employee Satisfaction Survey Software

A satisfied workforce yields higher growth and profits.

Employee Satisfaction Survey module of ITIS is a web based survey tool which helps to periodically conduct on-line internal surveys to gather perceptions of employees on the HR environment of the company.

Features of ITIS Employee Satisfaction Survey Software

  • Employee Satisfaction is related to one or more of the following parameters :
    • HR Policies of the organization.
    • Work environment & Infrastructure.
    • Responsiveness of HR staff.
    • Training & development.
    • Performance Appraisals.
    • Remuneration & incentives.
    • Rewards & recognitions.
    • Promotions & Career Development.
    • Personal & Organizational Values.
    • Motivation & Welfare
  • Provides a customizable feedback questionnaire.
  • Parameters for the Satisfaction Survey are user selectable.
  • Survey Software Permits allocation of weights to each parameter.
  • Ensures anonymity of the respondent.
  • Permits customization of algorithm to compute satisfaction Index.
  • Allows multilingual questionnaires.
  • Generates management reports on each parameter with drill down facilities up to Department level.
  • Integrates seamlessly with any email system to allow messages to be sent easily.
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